Recent content by Probro

  1. Probro

    Armlet Abuse

    Armlet Abuse Script for automatic HP abuse via armlet. Auto-Toggle before attack: • Hero • Creep Script demonstration:
  2. Probro

    Redirect Cast

    Redirect Cast The script redirects abilities and items to the enemy, avoiding misclicks and preventing accidental use on creeps/illusions instead of the hero. Redirect Cast — Enable/disable function. Redirect Ability from: Radius — script radius limit in dota units. Disabling items...
  3. Probro

    Kill Stealer

    Kill Stealer This script helps to finish off enemies with different abilities and items, it is located in the “Player” section. Kill Stealer — switch to enable/disable the script. Quick Disable — hotkey to quickly enable/disable the script. Settings panel — panel to enable/disable the script...
  4. Probro

    Instructions for launching the new Melonity CMD Launcher

    The log is fine, what's the problem?
  5. Probro

    [ERROR] InitNtdllSymbols Try solutions #1 and 2
  6. Probro

    [ERROR] InitNtdllSymbols

    Keep in mind that there should be no symbols other than numbers and English letters in the path to the cheat folder. Recommended path: C:\melonity In addition, you may sometimes need to reboot your computer after moving melonity to the correct path.
  7. Probro

    Discord link request
  8. Probro

    Cant login

    The problem has been fixed, all users with an active subscription at the time of its occurrence have been given 10 hours.
  9. Probro

    Can't login and my email has been banned

    The problem has been fixed, all users with an active subscription at the time of its occurrence have been given 10 hours.
  10. Probro

    Free Trial

    Contact support at
  11. Probro

    Instructions for launching the new Melonity CMD Launcher

    Check that you have disabled Windows' built-in security.
  12. Probro

    Instructions for launching the new Melonity CMD Launcher

    The problem is caused by antivirus. Follow steps 3-8 of the instructions in the first post of this topic.
  13. Probro

    Instructions for launching the new Melonity CMD Launcher

    The problem can only be caused by antivirus or unofficial tweaks to the Windows system. Uninstall all third-party antiviruses, restart your computer, open Task Manager and make sure there is no "Antimalware Service Executable" process.
  14. Probro


    Config for a comfortable and safe start of the game with the cheat from our team. In this configuration all the functionality of the cheat is set up, you will only have to set your binds and play with comfort. Binds menu can be brought up by pressing Page Up key in the game. Detailed...
  15. Probro

    Shadow Fiend