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  • Prota
    Prota replied to the thread Melonity's Spoofer.
    Hello , Please write to our russian speaking supports at vk channel and they will help out :
  • S
    sasisa replied to the thread Melonity's Spoofer.
    так и должно быть ? или это значит что не получилось без привязок создать
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  • E
    elpaya reacted to Prota's post in the thread update spectre please with Like Like.
    Hello , Your suggestion will be send to developer to be decided.
  • Prota
    Prota replied to the thread update spectre please.
    Hello , Your suggestion will be send to developer to be decided.
  • Prota
    Prota replied to the thread Melonity's Spoofer.
    Hello , You can create account by using your Phone connection internet which offers ip everytime you turn it on/off :)
  • S
    sasisa replied to the thread Melonity's Spoofer.
    что делать если такая табличка при создании акка ?
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  • E
    elpaya replied to the thread update spectre please.
    * He needs to set the time of his reality show so he knows when it ends and can return. * I would like to put him in a combo where he...
  • E
    elpaya replied to the thread update spectre please.
    I hope you understand the nullifier video
  • Prota
    Prota replied to the thread Melonity's Spoofer.
    Hello , Yes after playing the game then you must use spoofer game to switch between account.
  • Prota
    Prota replied to the thread update spectre please.
    There has been no changes to spectre for last few patches , is there something that we have to rework and we're not aware of it ...
  • E
    * Please update the spectre because it has new powers and new comobo, I would like you to add it. Thanks * the nullifier items when you...
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  • S
    solar1ss replied to the thread Melonity's Spoofer.
    Можно ли после спуфа заходить на основной аккаунт и играть в другие игры, кроме Dota 2, а на втором аккаунте запускать только Dota 2?
  • Prota
    Prota replied to the thread Melonity's Spoofer.
    Hello , Spoofer can be used to changing between account to not share the same hwid and no it won't get you banned.
  • A
    Andranik replied to the thread Melonity's Spoofer.
    я могу зайти в аккаунты, если на ПК не создан этот аккаунт, и вообще в каких случаях нужен спуфер, и могу ли я забанить за него?
  • Prota
    Hello , v2 invoker will be rewritten soon be patience please :)