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  1. K

    Trial from France

    Once u realize your detection system is not perfect and you will improve it or you get other requests with same cases of misban(which is rare cuz VK trial is for ru community) anyway come back in this tread and confirm that u were wrong being ignorant and at least could try to request any data...
  2. K

    Trial from France

    Well noted you are not interested in improving your service. Me being QA engineer submitting hundreds bug reports hearing from you developer can't be wrong is hilarious.
  3. K

    Trial from France

    I am no longer requesting your trial which was first one for me. But you are welcome to investigate the reason why you are wrong in this case and u can request any additional data to improve you service which is obviously misfunctioning. I am open to provide you any details.
  4. K

    Trial from France

    So far it is like that: U claim it has nothing to do with IP - Passed ✓ I have 1 VK account(legid and old af) I claimed trial and requested support ✓ I have 1 Steam account which I purchased 2+ years ago ✓ I have 1 laptop device which had never Melonity installed 0 logs 0 anything. ✓ So weakest...
  5. K

    Trial from France

    In terms of your information is completely wrong, with hilarious 65! accounts. You are welcome to investigate my case and improve your so called "multiple detection" solutions. I am open to provide any information or access for you to find the reason why and where are you are failed in my actual...
  6. K

    Trial from France

    Bad experience in getting trial from France region(via VK chat trial). Was unable to test product because of being associated with random(I guess VPN user). Zero support in chat on this case(if the "sad sticker" is not your limit of support). Especially when RU users are now all over the world...