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  1. 382852657

    Walrus kick

    Hello, can you add a Break Linkin to the Bind combo WalrusKick? Otherwise, when using the Bind combo WalrusKick, people will stay in place even if the enemy has a Linkin. Just like the second manual click, use the item Break Link.
  2. 382852657

    There is an issue with automatic evasion

    Why is PUCK's automatic evasion ineffective for some skills
  3. 382852657

    How long can we fix the issue with Hit&Run

    Hello, I've been playing a lot lately, and there are still serious issues with Hit&Run. However, if I don't use Hit&Run, the intensity will be much lower, and I can't play skills while chasing people. How long can it take to fix Hit&Run? It has been almost a month since I last asked this question.
  4. 382852657

    Mini Map Issues

    Hello, how can I turn off the function of drawing lines on the mini map. It's embarrassing that everyone can see it during the replay.
  5. 382852657

    Hit&Run issues

    Hello, the current Hit&Run is not very user-friendly. I have encountered many times and have been running, but I have been using S to drop Hit. The final result is that the attack cannot be launched.
  6. 382852657

    How to use MeloniteLauncherSetup

    I put it in a separate folder for the administrator to open, but he keeps getting stuck in Connecting, The keyboard input did not respond.
  7. 382852657

    MeloniteSpofer can cause Steam to break down

    Hello, what exactly is MeloniteSpofer for? Why does my DOTA2 crash after use, and I can't even uninstall Steam. The uninstallation directory for Steam is gone, and clicking on uninstall has no effect at all.
  8. 382852657

    MeloniteSpofer has issues

    Why did the game crash after I used MeloniteSpofer. After entering the game, it will crash and verify the integrity of the game, but it still has no effect. Even after uninstalling and reinstalling, it still remains the same. The flashing prompt is as follows:
  9. 382852657

    Why can QUEEN OF PAIN open BKB in the middle of my EARTHSHAKER automatic combo

    Why can QUEEN OF PAIN open BKB in the middle of my EARTHSHAKER automatic combo.In the presence of REFRESHER ORB。 In a game, I used 3 automatic combos with REFRESHER ORB and failed each time。 The video only shows once。
  10. 382852657

    Some problems encountered, please ask for help

    Why can't I automatically use BKB, whether it's to prevent Legion Commander's duels or Sven Hammer.And when using Outworld Destroyer combos, it will randomly close people