The script is located in the "Heroes" section.
Abaddon - script enable/disable button.
Combo Key - Key to activate combo.
Items - List of items to use in combos.
Abilities - List of abilities to use in combos.
Additional combo settingsCombo Link Break Priority - Set the priority of items for automatic link breaking.
Hit with Invisibility - When using the combo key while invisible, the script will first hit with the hand and then perform the combo.
Ignore Attack Commands - When performing a combo, right-clicking to attack an enemy is disabled.
Hit&Run — Button to enable Hit&Run when using a combo
Activate R automatically if HP < 400 - Automatically use the ult if HP drops below 400.
Death Coil Auto-Heal - Automatically uses Death Coil on an ally with low HP.
Use Blink to Ally - Activate/deactivate using blink to heal an ally.
Allies - Select allies for auto-healing.
Auto Shield Dispel - Automatically removes debuffs with your shield.Ally HP - Automatically saves an ally when their HP drops below a specified percentage.
• Stun
• Hexes
• Silence
• Root
• Dust
Best regards, Melonity team.Allies - Select allies for the script to work with.