This script is designed for aggressive play, with its help you can constantly keep the enemy in disable if he gets into the range of your items or abilities.
Located in the "Safeguard" section

Disable by radius - script enable/disable button
Stack Hex and Silence - Use items with Hex and Silence effects simultaneously on one hero.
Work in invisibility - the script will work if you are invisibility.
Supported items - list of supported items for the script to work on.Do not use in Lotus - the script will not work if Lotus Orb is active on the enemy.
Activate all heroes from minute - the minute from which the script will begin its work.Disable all - using this button you can disable all active items from the list
Delay before use - set the delay in seconds before the script is executed.
Also, for more detailed settings, the script has a panel, you can open it by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner.

In this panel you can fine-tune items or abilities to attack a particular enemy.

Best regards, Melonity team.