Auto-Aggro/Deaggro — Aggro/Deaggro
With this script you can automatically aggro/deaggro enemy creeps on the lane.
The script is located in the section " Creeps > Auto-aggro/de-aggro "
Auto-Agro/Deagro — Enables the script to work.
Agra button - Key for activating automatic agra of creeps.
Deagra button - Key for activating automatic deagra of creeps.
Auto-deag tower - The script will automatically deag the tower that attacks you.
Deag the tower with the bear - The script will automatically deag the tower with the help of the Lone Druid bear.
Disable after a minute - Automatically disables the script after a certain minute from the start of the game. (If set to 0, the script does not disable.)
Best regards , Melonity team.