Auto push/farm - Auto Push/Farm
With these features you can automatically push the lane or farm neutral creeps.
Scripts are located in the section " Creeps > Auto-push/farm "
Send to push - Key for sending selected units to push the nearest line.
Send to farm forest - Key to send selected units to farm the nearest creep spot in the forest.
Additional optionsEnable auto-split farm illusions - Key to automatically send summoned illusions to farm the forest.
• Farm enemy forest
• Farm of the Ancients
• Only selected creatures
• Stacks in the enemy forest
• Make stacks
AFK Bot for forest farming
This function fully automates the forest farming by the main hero.Activation button - Script activation key.
Make stacks while farming - The bot will automatically make stacks on spots in the forest while the script is running.
Buying items from quick access - The bot will automatically buy items that you put in the quick access purchase plan.
Use items to farm - The bot will automatically use the items you have.
Automatic skill upgrade - The script will automatically upgrade skills depending on the upgrade priority you select.
Pick up neutral items - The bot will automatically pick up items that drop from neutral creeps.
Run Away If Enemy In Radius - Adjusts the radius around your hero to detect enemy units.
• KillEnemy Controlled Units - Adjusts behavior when encountering enemy units.
• Run away
Skill Build — Adjusts the priority of skill upgrades by the bot.
Best regards , melonity team.