Auto Snatcher

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Staff member
Nov 15, 2022
This feature allows you to automatically steal various items if you are close to them and they are lying on the ground.

It is located in the Player section.


Auto-selection of items - script enable button.
Bind on/off - hotkey for quickly turning the script on/off.
Steal Healing Lotus - An option to automatically steal lotuses.
Graphic Blink Button - Displays a blink icon to quickly enable/disable its use in case of theft.
Move items if there is no slot - if there is no free slot, moves the least valuable item to the backpack for theft.
Use Blink Dagger in Aegis - Steal from enemies' Aegis with Blink Dagger
Do not pick up items on the fountain - disables the script for items on the fountain.
Don't pick up items if there are no enemies nearby - the script will not steal items without enemy heroes nearby.
Pickup radius - setting the radius in units for the script to work.

Enemy Search Radius - the radius of detection of enemy heroes for the script to work.

Items to steal - list of items that the script can steal

Auto-selection of runes

This script is designed for the fastest possible automatic rune raising.

Auto-selection of runes - button to enable/disable the script

Take only near enemies - pick up runes only if you are visible and there is an enemy nearby.
Steal only first rune - the script will steal only the first rune at the beginning of the game, the rest will be ignored.
Which runes to steal - choosing the type of runes to steal: strengthening, wealth, wisdom.

Do not take if Bottle >=* charges - the script will not steal runs if there are charges in the bottle.
Distance to enemies for stealing - the script is active only if there are enemies within the specified radius.
Auto-shift for pickup - when manually picking up an item, the script will automatically free up the slot by moving the cheapest item.

Do not move important items - the script does not move key items, for example: BKB, Manta, Butterfly.
Items - List of supported items
Best regards, Melonity team.

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