HP-MP Abuse

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Staff member
Nov 15, 2022

This function moves your items and thus when replenishing health or mana you will be able to replenish more resources than without this function.​

It is located in the Player section.
Abuz HP/MP - script enable/disable button
Abuse key - a key to activate the script.
List of items - list of supported items for HP/MP abuse.
Delay Before Moving Items - This toggle allows you to adjust the delay before moving items for the most natural look.
Using a backpack - the script moves things through the backpack instead of throwing them on the ground during abuse.
Abuse by clicking on an item - MP/HP abuse is automatically activated when manually using an item.
PT Auto-Switching - Automatically switches Power Threads for maximum abuse efficiency.
Display graphic button - Ability to use a script on the next button to the inventory.
This button looks like this:

Graphic button function:
Abuse mana - the script will abuse mana by placing items that give intelligence and using items that give mana.
Move items - the script moves items in the inventory without abusing mana.
Best regards, Melonity team.
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