The script is located in the "Heroes" section.Meepo - script enable/disable button.
Combo Key - Key to activate a combo.
Items - List of items to use in combos.
Abilities - List of abilities to use in combos.
Combo Link Break Priority - Set the priority of items for automatic link breaking.
Poof Use Style - Choose how you want to use the Poof ability in a combo.
• Use for intimacy only
• Use if there is less damage from the hand
Smart Use of Ethereal - Ethereal Blade will only be used in the combo if Poof is used.
Remove wounded meepo during combo - The script will automatically remove a clone from the fight whose health level is lower than the one specified in the settings.
%HP for automatic clone withdrawal - The percentage of health at which the script will automatically withdraw the clone from the fight.
Delay Between Poofs - Ability to set a delay between Poofs in a combo. (In milliseconds)
Automatically use grid on charge bars - Script will automatically use Earthbind on the attacking Spirit Breaker.
Toggle PT for clones - The script will automatically switch Power Threads for clones.
Functional panel
It is necessary to display operational information about clones - the recharge time of abilities, their numbering, as well as to quickly switch between clones and give them quick commands.• Enable ability cooldown display.
• Enable display of numbering above clones.
Section with configuration of functionality for automatic farming of forest spots.Auto-Farm with selected Mipo - Key to activate the script.
Ignore main Mipo - The main clone will not participate in the script.
Stack while farming - If possible, clones will stack while the script is running.
Farm only your forest - The script will send clones to farm only the allied forest.
Rune pickup radius for clones - Displays the radius of rune pickup for clones.
Do not stop farming when using combo - When clones that are not involved in farming use combo, those clones that are busy farming will not stop it.
Auto Save
Function for automatic rescue of clones during a fight.Health for auto-dig, % - The percentage of health at which the script will automatically use the Dig ability.
Mega Meepo Health, % - The percentage of health at which the script uses Megameepo's ability.
Use Shard - Use Dig's ability to automatically save.
Use Mega Meepo - Use Megameepo's ability to auto-save.
Move main clone away from target with dangerous ability - The script will automatically move the main clone away from the combo target if a hero with a dangerous ability appears nearby.
Retract the clone that is hit by an AOE - The script will automatically retract the clone that was hit by an area-of-effect ability.
Split Clones During Dangerous Abilities - Script will alternate clones to attack the enemy during dangerous abilities.
Remove selection during work and return after - During the work of the automatic save, the selection will be removed from other clones, and returned after the end of the script.
Auto Swap
The function is designed to replace a wounded clone with a new one using the Poof ability.Bind - Key to activate the script.
Automatically enable when one clone is on the fountain - The script will automatically change idle clones that do not have a selection to the one standing on the base.
Leave mana for poof (always) - The script will limit the use of abilities if they will spend the required mana supply to replace the clone.
Use Grid Before Poof - Script will automatically cast Earthbind on enemy before replacing clone.
Send idle clones to base - The script will automatically send idle clones to the base.
Return clones after healing and select them - The script will automatically return clones that have reached full health and select them.
% Health for swap to base - The percentage of health at which the clone will be sent to the base.
% Health to swap from base - The percentage of health at which the clone will return from the base.
Other Binds
Additional keys for controlling clones.Meepo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Select the clone you need by pressing the key.
Auto-cast to cursor position - Automatically cast Earthbind at your cursor position.
Autocast on all enemies - Automatically casts Earthbind on all nearby enemies.
All meepos will poof on the selected one - All clones will poof on the selected clone.
All Meepos Poof On Themselves - All clones use Poof on themselves.
All selected meepo will poof themselves - All selected clones will Poof themselves.
Select Illusions - Key for selecting created illusions.
Best regards, Melonity team.Auto-selection of runes - Key for sending clones to pick up runes.