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Staff member
Nov 15, 2022


The script is located in the "Heroes" section.


Meepo - script enable/disable button.

Combo Key - Key to activate a combo.
Items - List of items to use in combos.
Abilities - List of abilities to use in combos.
Combo Link Break Priority - Set the priority of items for automatic link breaking.
Poof Use Style - Choose how you want to use the Poof ability in a combo.
• Use for intimacy only
• Use if there is less damage from the hand
Smart Use of Ethereal - Ethereal Blade will only be used in the combo if Poof is used.
Remove wounded meepo during combo - The script will automatically remove a clone from the fight whose health level is lower than the one specified in the settings.
%HP for automatic clone withdrawal - The percentage of health at which the script will automatically withdraw the clone from the fight.
Delay Between Poofs - Ability to set a delay between Poofs in a combo. (In milliseconds)
Automatically use grid on charge bars - Script will automatically use Earthbind on the attacking Spirit Breaker.
Toggle PT for clones - The script will automatically switch Power Threads for clones.

Functional panel​

It is necessary to display operational information about clones - the recharge time of abilities, their numbering, as well as to quickly switch between clones and give them quick commands.

• Enable ability cooldown display.
Meepo, image #2

• Enable display of numbering above clones.
Meepo, image #3


Section with configuration of functionality for automatic farming of forest spots.

Auto-Farm with selected Mipo - Key to activate the script.
Ignore main Mipo - The main clone will not participate in the script.
Stack while farming - If possible, clones will stack while the script is running.
Farm only your forest - The script will send clones to farm only the allied forest.
Rune pickup radius for clones - Displays the radius of rune pickup for clones.
Do not stop farming when using combo - When clones that are not involved in farming use combo, those clones that are busy farming will not stop it.

Auto Save​

Function for automatic rescue of clones during a fight.

Health for auto-dig, % - The percentage of health at which the script will automatically use the Dig ability.
Mega Meepo Health, % - The percentage of health at which the script uses Megameepo's ability.
Use Shard - Use Dig's ability to automatically save.
Use Mega Meepo - Use Megameepo's ability to auto-save.
Move main clone away from target with dangerous ability - The script will automatically move the main clone away from the combo target if a hero with a dangerous ability appears nearby.
Retract the clone that is hit by an AOE - The script will automatically retract the clone that was hit by an area-of-effect ability.
Split Clones During Dangerous Abilities - Script will alternate clones to attack the enemy during dangerous abilities.
Remove selection during work and return after - During the work of the automatic save, the selection will be removed from other clones, and returned after the end of the script.

Auto Swap​

The function is designed to replace a wounded clone with a new one using the Poof ability.

Bind - Key to activate the script.
Automatically enable when one clone is on the fountain - The script will automatically change idle clones that do not have a selection to the one standing on the base.
Leave mana for poof (always) - The script will limit the use of abilities if they will spend the required mana supply to replace the clone.
Use Grid Before Poof - Script will automatically cast Earthbind on enemy before replacing clone.
Send idle clones to base - The script will automatically send idle clones to the base.
Return clones after healing and select them - The script will automatically return clones that have reached full health and select them.
% Health for swap to base - The percentage of health at which the clone will be sent to the base.
% Health to swap from base - The percentage of health at which the clone will return from the base.

Other Binds​

Additional keys for controlling clones.

Meepo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Select the clone you need by pressing the key.
Auto-cast to cursor position - Automatically cast Earthbind at your cursor position.
Autocast on all enemies - Automatically casts Earthbind on all nearby enemies.
All meepos will poof on the selected one - All clones will poof on the selected clone.
All Meepos Poof On Themselves - All clones use Poof on themselves.
All selected meepo will poof themselves - All selected clones will Poof themselves.
Select Illusions - Key for selecting created illusions.
Auto-selection of runes - Key for sending clones to pick up runes.
Best regards, Melonity team.
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