Outworld Devourer
The script is located in the "Heroes" section.Outworld Devourer - script enable/disable button.
Combo Key - Key to activate a combo.
Items - List of items to use in combos.
Abilities - List of abilities to use in combos.
Combo Link Break Priority - Set the priority of items for automatic link breaking.
Additional combo settings
Hit with Invisibility - When using the combo key while invisible, the script will first hit with the hand and then perform the combo.
Ignore Attack Commands - When performing a combo, right-clicking to attack an enemy is disabled.
Hit&Run — Button to enable Hit&Run when using a combo
Activate when attacking a hero - Automatically activates Arcane Orb when attacking.
• Safe - The function's operating mode, in which the ability will be activated with every attack, which will allow you not to aggro creeps.
• Fast - The mode of operation of the function, in which the auto-cast of the ability will be turned on, this allows you to work more stably at a high attack speed.
Auto-Finishing with Ultimate
The function will automatically finish off enemies with the ultimate.Min. Enemies - Adjust the minimum number of enemies to activate the script.
Ignore min. amount for: - Ability to select heroes that will be ignored in the minimum number of heroes for script activation.
Astral Helper
The function is designed to perform an "escape" from enemies.When activated, the script will automatically place your hero in the astral plane and use a blink towards the fountain.
Astral + blink - Script activation key.
%HP threshold for flask before Astral - Adjusting the hero's % health, upon reaching which the script will automatically apply Healing Salve before Astral.
Use blink after astral - The script will use blink towards the base after astral.
Meteor Hammer Helper
The function will automatically perform a combo consisting of the Astral Imprisonment ability and the Meteor Hammer item.Job Type - Ability to change the script activation type.
• By key - The script will be activated by pressing the set key.
• Automatic - Script activation will occur when using the Astral Imprisonment ability.