The script shows information about heroes: purchase, cooldowns, mana, health, buffs and debuffs.
It is located in the Information section.
Information about the hero
Display abilities
The script shows cooldowns of abilities near heroes.
Display items
The script shows the purchase next to the hero model.
HP and mana panel
Displaying HP and Mana on Heroes
Show buffs/debuffs
This script displays all positive or negative effects on heroes.
Best regards, Melonity Team
It is located in the Information section.
Information about the hero
Information around the hero - script enable/disable button
Show items in courier - shows what items are in the courier
Dynamic transparency - when hovering over the hero, the script visual becomes transparent.
Minimum transparency - Toggle switch for adjusting the transparency of panels.Show Meepo clones - the script visual is displayed on Meepo clones.
Display abilities
The script shows cooldowns of abilities near heroes.
Show abilities - script enable/disable button
Panel location - allows you to choose the location of the panel: above or below the hero.
Display Mode - Allows you to choose between ability icons and minimalist dashes.
Display items
The script shows the purchase next to the hero model.
Panel location - allows you to select the location of the panel: above/below/left/right of the hero.
Display mode - select display of all items or only key ones (BKB, Manta, Butterfly, etc.).
HP and mana panel
Displaying HP and Mana on Heroes
Show Panels - Enables display of mana and health panels.
Number on HP - shows the exact amount of HP on the panel.
Demonstration of the appearance of the panels:Number on MP - shows the exact amount of mana on the panel
Show buffs/debuffs
This script displays all positive or negative effects on heroes.
Show buffs/debuffs - script enable/disable button
Display modifiers in reverse - buffs are displayed in red, debuffs in green
Transparency - adjusts the transparency of the displayed effects.Center Modifiers - Places the buff/debuff icon in the middle of the hero model
Best regards, Melonity Team