Phantom Lancer

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Staff member
Nov 15, 2022

Phantom Lancer​

The script is located in the "Heroes" section.

Phantom Lancer - script enable/disable button.

Combo Key - Key to activate a combo.
Items - List of items to use in combos.
Abilities - List of abilities to use in combos.
Combo Link Break Priority - Set the priority of items for automatic link breaking.
Additional combo settings

Hit with Invisibility - When using the combo key while invisible, the script will first hit with the hand and then perform the combo.
Ignore Attack Commands - When performing a combo, right-clicking to attack an enemy is disabled.
Hit&Run — Button to enable Hit&Run when using a combo

Phantom Rush Interruption Protection - The script will prevent you from interrupting Phantom Rush.

Forced Attack of Spirit Lance Shard Illusion - If you have a Shard, the illusion caused by using your Ultimate will automatically attack the enemy.
Illusion Control - Enable/disable the illusion control assistant.

Attack Heroes in Radius - Radius threshold at which illusions will automatically attack enemies
Attack creeps in radius - The radius threshold at which illusions will automatically attack creeps
Max Illusions per Enemy - Sets the limit on the maximum number of illusions attacking one enemy.
Divert Illusions for Phantom Rush - Illusions move away from the enemy to perform a running attack with Phantom Rush
Attack special units with increased priority - Illusions will attack units in the list first
List - list of high priority units.
Phantom Lancer, image #2

Byte with illusion - Illusion is automatically sent to the base if there is an enemy within 750 radius of the player, and the HP percentage is lower than the one set in the settings.
Byte only when visible - the script only works when enemies see you.
Random. movement for idle illusion - Idle illusions will move in a random direction
An inactive illusion will follow the hero - Illusions will follow the hero
Disable for selected illusions - if an illusion is selected, the script will ignore it.

Best regards, Melonity team.
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