Skywrath Mage
The script is located in the "Heroes" section.
Skywrath Mage - script enable/disable button .
Combo Key - Key to activate a combo.
Items - List of items to use in combos.
Abilities - List of abilities to use in combos.
Combo Link Break Priority - Set the priority of items for automatic link breaking.
Additional combo settings
Hit with Invisibility - When using the combo key while invisible, the script will first hit with the hand and then perform the combo.
Ignore Attack Commands - When performing a combo, right-clicking to attack an enemy is disabled.
Hit&Run — Button to enable Hit&Run when using a combo
Double Ultimate - Script places the ultimate on the edge of the character so that it only hits the edge, creating the effect of a second ultimate being cast on the opposite side.
Ignore Nether Ward - The script will run despite the presence of Pugna's Nether Ward.
Escape Blade Mail - Script automatically casts Eul on itself after casting on a target with active Blade Mail.
Disable Aeon Disk - Script will refrain from using ultimate and items until Aeon Disk is disabled by other abilities.
Use SIlence/Hex before Aeon Disk - Enables the use of Silence or Hex until the Aeon Disk is destroyed.
Use Ancient Seal with Hex - Stacks Ancient Seal with Hex
EZ KILL Mode - Script will not use ultimate in combo if target can die without it.
Ez Kill Graphic Button - Drawing a graphic button to enable/disable EzKill.
Concussive Shot Helper - Enable/disable assistance with using Concussive Shot.
Target Indicator - Displays a visual indicator of whether Concussive Shot will hit an enemy.
Best regards, Melonity team.