[Ikarus] Spellslinger for Rubick


New member
Jun 1, 2024

Melonity has a great API and I created a few scripts I wanted to share with the community. Special thanks to Prota for help.

Spellsinger for Rubick​

Ever wanted to just hold down a button and Rubick will steal and cast spells as fast as he can? Well now you can be the magus you always wanted to be


  • Every spell in Dota manually configured and categorized
  • Custom humanizer to make spell stealing and casting look human
  • Spell priority, allowing you to keep high priority spells and replace low priority spells
  • Remembers enemy spell casts through fog of war
  • Supports defensive and offensive spells
  • Supports vector casting spells
  • Supports aghs & abilities that take both spell slots
  • Respects blademail, lotus, anti-mage spell reflect





  1. Download spellslinger.zip, attached
  2. Press Windows key + E to open File Explorer
  3. In the address bar, enter %appdata%\Melonity\scripts\dist
  4. Copy spellslinger.js to that folder
After starting Melonity, verify the script is loaded and on by going to Settings -> Scripts -> List and check that spellslinger.js is listed and On.


WARNING: Disable Melonity's "Show last used spell on hero" and "Bind" in Rubick's menu. These 2 things are broken.
  1. Go to Heroes -> Intelligence -> Rubick (or just Heroes -> Rubick if you're already playing as him)
  2. Under Spellslinger, set your combo key.

I recommend keeping default settings. While every menu item has a tooltip, change things at your own risk.

To use the script, point near an enemy and hold down the combo key. It works like this:
  1. If you have a free spell slot, it will steal the best spell nearby
  2. If you have a spell on cooldown, it will replace it with the best spell nearby
  3. If you have a spell off cooldown, it will cast it on you / ally / enemy, depending on what the spell is
  4. If you have a high priority spell, it will keep it as long as there is less than x cooldown left
  5. If you have a "cast only when safe" spell, it will only cast it if the are less than x heroes around
  6. Vector target spells are cast between you and the enemy
  7. WARNING: If you have fog memory enabled, sometimes it'll steal the wrong spell because Melonity cannot see what is cast in fog. The default fog memory is 20 seconds, so there's 20 seconds the enemy can cast something when you can't see. You can lower the memory duration in "Spell steal priority" menu.

If you want to learn how to write Melonity scripts, I've attached spellslinger src.zip for reference.


  • spellslinger src.zip
    15.9 KB · Views: 82
  • spellslinger1.5.zip
    10.1 KB · Views: 140
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New member
Jun 1, 2024
Anonymous user:
I thank you very much for sharing this script, I wanted to comment on some "bugs" that I think happen when fighting a "Spirit Breaker", what happens is that it does not usually steal these spells, and it is a shame, then the rest is fantastic :D. Thank you for sharing this.

Here are the rules for SB:

    ...describe("spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness", StealPriority.Low, OffensiveCast.OnlyIfSafe, DefensiveCast.Never),
    ...describe("spirit_breaker_bulldoze", StealPriority.Never, OffensiveCast.Never, DefensiveCast.Never),
    ...describe("spirit_breaker_greater_bash", StealPriority.Low, OffensiveCast.OnlyIfSafe, DefensiveCast.Never),
    ...describe("spirit_breaker_planar_pocket", StealPriority.Low, OffensiveCast.Never, DefensiveCast.Self),

  • StealPriority.Low means the spells will only be stolen if you have a slot free.
  • OffensiveCast.OnlyIfSafe means the spell will only be cast if there are 2 or less enemies around. You can change that setting in Hero menu.
  • DefensiveCast.Self means spell will only be cast on self.
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New member
Jan 22, 2023
thanks for this @Zed03 , btw not sure if I'm blind, I can't find pudge rot in spell steal, I want to deactivate it.. hope you can help cheers!


New member
Jun 1, 2024
I've updated main post from 1.4 to 1.5:
  • Fixed Pudge and other heroes with toggle abilities like Rot
  • Fixed scenario:
    1. Enemy casts high priority spell
    2. Enemy goes in fog
    3. Enemy casts low priority spell (like Pudge Rot)
    4. Enemy becomes visible
    5. (Fixed) Script will keep stealing the low priority spell over-and-over because it thinks enemy has high priority spell
  • Added to humanizer:
    • Enemy has to be on screen to "Always steal high priority spells". Before this fix, Rubick will steal spells off-screen, and it was instant overwatch detection.
    • Enemy has to be visible for at least 0.5 seconds before auto-steal
thanks for this @Zed03 , btw not sure if I'm blind, I can't find pudge rot in spell steal, I want to deactivate it.. hope you can help cheers!

Spells not listed (like Rot) will never be stolen, but there was a bug. Should be fixed now. Keep in mind that if enemy casts Hook and instantly presses Rot, spell steal will get Rot (even if you are pro player without script).
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New member
Jan 22, 2023
I've updated main post from 1.4 to 1.5:
  • Fixed Pudge and other heroes with toggle abilities like Rot
  • Fixed scenario:
    1. Enemy casts high priority spell
    2. Enemy goes in fog
    3. Enemy casts low priority spell (like Pudge Rot)
    4. Enemy becomes visible
    5. (Fixed) Script will keep stealing the low priority spell over-and-over because it thinks enemy has high priority spell
  • Added to humanizer:
    • Enemy has to be on screen to "Always steal high priority spells". Before this fix, Rubick will steal spells off-screen, and it was instant overwatch detection.
    • Enemy has to be visible for at least 0.5 seconds before auto-steal

Spells not listed (like Rot) will never be stolen, but there was a bug. Should be fixed now. Keep in mind that if enemy casts Hook and instantly presses Rot, spell steal will get Rot (even if you are pro player without script).

Thanks Zed for the update!


New member
Jan 22, 2023
I've updated main post from 1.4 to 1.5:
  • Fixed Pudge and other heroes with toggle abilities like Rot
  • Fixed scenario:
    1. Enemy casts high priority spell
    2. Enemy goes in fog
    3. Enemy casts low priority spell (like Pudge Rot)
    4. Enemy becomes visible
    5. (Fixed) Script will keep stealing the low priority spell over-and-over because it thinks enemy has high priority spell
  • Added to humanizer:
    • Enemy has to be on screen to "Always steal high priority spells". Before this fix, Rubick will steal spells off-screen, and it was instant overwatch detection.
    • Enemy has to be visible for at least 0.5 seconds before auto-steal

Spells not listed (like Rot) will never be stolen, but there was a bug. Should be fixed now. Keep in mind that if enemy casts Hook and instantly presses Rot, spell steal will get Rot (even if you are pro player without script).


I've tested on 2 accounts, both got penalty after few games then enter low piority.. not sure if steal too fast or steal off screen still. hmm


New member
Jun 1, 2024
Was that with 1.4 or 1.5? I have 200+ games /w Rubick using this script and I'm ok so far.


New member
Jan 2, 2024
do we still have to put spells on the spells panel or will your script steal all spells based on your priority algorithm?


New member
Jun 1, 2024
It will steal everything based on its own algorithm. It doesn't use spell panel from Melonity's script.