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  1. Probro


    • Break with cheap item - Break Linken with cheap item.
  2. Probro

    Troll Warlord

    • Break with cheap item - Break Linken with cheap items.
  3. Probro

    Lone Druid

    Bear Auto E
  4. Probro


    Auto Snake
  5. Probro


  6. Probro


    • Break with cheap item - Break Linken with cheap item. Other Ult AIM
  7. Probro


  8. Probro


  9. Probro


  10. Probro


  11. Probro


    • Break with cheap item – Break Linken with cheap item. Primal Spirit • Hotkey - Key to activate the combo.
  12. Probro

    Sand King

    • Cast All Items - Use all available items to break the line. • Cast only Cheap Items - Use only cheap items to break the line.
  13. Probro


    • Blink – Priority to use blink for initiation. • Totem – Priority to use totem for initiation.
  14. Probro


  15. Probro

    Auto Stack

    This script automatically stacks forest creeps’ spots for any hero.
  16. Probro

    Auto Buy/Leveling

    Script for the automatic purchase of items, as well as leveling abilities. • Save Gold for buyback — the script will not buy items the spend saved gold for buyback. • Auto-Deliver after buy — automatically delivery by courier, items purchased by the script. • Always • Before death • Disable
  17. Probro

    Respawn MapHack

    his script displays the position and time until the revival of the enemy. Work demonstration:
  18. Probro

    River Changer

    With this script you have the opportunity to change the river. Default Chrome Dry Slime Oil Electric Potion Blood
  19. Probro

    Pick Helper

    This script will help you pick the desired hero faster than anyone else, automatically ban your most hated hero and a few more useful little things. In the auto-select line tab we can set this function on/off, as well as choose which line to specify at the beginning of the game. •...
  20. Probro

    Show Courier

    This script automatically creates a flight path for an enemy courier if it leaves the fog of war for at least a second. Just place one Observer Ward near an enemy fountain and you will always be aware of the enemy couriers' movements. Enable Fullscreen: Minimap: