[Ikarus] Pick Helper


New member
Jun 1, 2024

Melonity has a great API and I created a few scripts I wanted to share with the community. Special thanks to Prota for help.

Pick Helper​

Pick Helper is a draft-stage tool that, using information from Dotabuff, helps you pick the highest advantage hero for your rank. Just by picking the right heroes, your win rate can go up 10%+, like it did for me.


  • Pulls data directly from Dotabuff, so its always up-to-date
  • Enables you to pick which rank tier's win rate data to use
  • Progress indicator when updating the hero stats database
  • Roles are split into 3 lanes: Safe, Mid, and Off
  • Provides a role filter, toggling between All, Core, and Support
  • Shows base win rate, advantage, and total win rate (base + advantage). Suggestions are sorted by total win rate.
  • WARNING: Only tested at 2560 x 1440 resolution




  1. Download pickerhelper.zip, attached
    • NOTE: Chrome might complain this is a virus. Probably because I use the axios package for scraping? Or cheerio? Who knows. Use a different browser or try building the plugin from source.
  2. Press Windows key + E to open File Explorer
  3. In the address bar, enter %appdata%\Melonity\scripts\dist
  4. Copy spellslinger.js to that folder
After starting Melonity, verify the script is loaded and on by going to Settings -> Scripts -> List


  1. Go to Information -> Pick Helper and set a Toggle key. Recommended F1.
  2. Select your estimated skill level in the rank tier dropdown
  3. Click Reload stats from Dotabuff and wait for it to finish
  4. When in the drafting stage, press the toggle key to rotate between different suggestion filters (and to turn overlay on/off)
    • The big number is the total win rate
    • The bottom-left small number is the base win rate
    • The bottom-right small number is the advantage (or disadvantage) this hero has against the current enemy picks

If you want to learn how to write Melonity scripts, I've attached pickhelper src.zip for reference.


  • screen1.png
    24.3 KB · Views: 151
  • src.zip
    11.4 KB · Views: 59
Last edited:


New member
Jun 1, 2024
FYI I have some placeholder code thats supposed to exclude banned heroes from the hero pool, but right now it doesn't. I'll upload 1.3 once I figure out how to get the hero ban list for the lobby.


Staff member
Nov 15, 2022

Melonity has a great API and I created a few scripts I wanted to share with the community. Special thanks to Prota for help.

Pick Helper​

Pick Helper is a draft-stage tool that, using information from Dotabuff, helps you pick the highest advantage hero for your rank. Just by picking the right heroes, your win rate can go up 10%+, like it did for me.


  • Pulls data directly from Dotabuff, so its always up-to-date
  • Enables you to pick which rank tier's win rate data to use
  • Progress indicator when updating the hero stats database
  • Roles are split into 3 lanes: Safe, Mid, and Off
  • Provides a role filter, toggling between All, Core, and Support
  • Shows base win rate, advantage, and total win rate (base + advantage). Suggestions are sorted by total win rate.
  • WARNING: Only tested at 2560 x 1440 resolution


View attachment 426View attachment 425
View attachment 428


  1. Download pickerhelper.zip, attached
    • NOTE: Chrome might complain this is a virus. Probably because I use the axios package for scraping? Or cheerio? Who knows. Use a different browser or try building the plugin from source.
  2. Press Windows key + E to open File Explorer
  3. In the address bar, enter %appdata%\Melonity\scripts\dist
  4. Copy spellslinger.js to that folder
After starting Melonity, verify the script is loaded and on by going to Settings -> Scripts -> List
View attachment 427


  1. Go to Information -> Pick Helper and set a Toggle key. WARNING: This key must be A-Z, 0-9, or some punctuation! Melonity has a limitation for which key events are captured during the draft stage!
  2. Select your estimated skill level in the rank tier dropdown
  3. Click Reload stats from Dotabuff and wait for it to finish
  4. When in the drafting stage, press the toggle key to rotate between different suggestion filters (and to turn overlay on/off)
    • The big number is the total win rate
    • The bottom-left small number is the base win rate
    • The bottom-right small number is the advantage (or disadvantage) this hero has against the current enemy picks

If you want to learn how to write Melonity scripts, I've attached pickhelper src.zip for reference.
Please send me your telegram id :)


New member
Jun 1, 2024
Dotabuff started throttling scrapes so I needed to add some retry logic. Give this one a try.


  • pickhelper1.4.zip
    89.2 KB · Views: 31