Inquiring about Dota 2 Ability Key Arguments: Seeking Cheat Sheet or Similar Resource


New member
Feb 7, 2024
The two functions within the Ability class, namely GetLevelSpecialValueFor(key: string): number | null; and GetLevelSpecialValueForFloat(key: string): number | null;, necessitate a string argument called "key."

For instance, you can utilize hero.GetAbility("nyx_assassin_impale").GetLevelSpecialValueForFloat("impale_damage") to retrieve the damage value of Nyx Assassin's Impale at its current level.

I am curious if there exists a cheat sheet that outlines the potential key arguments for each ability.

Edit: I think I've found the answer. Source 2 Viewer ( is a tool that allows us to browse VPK archives, view, extract, and decompile Source 2 assets, including the Ability KeyValues. Then we can browse to Dota2 folders (i.e., C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota), and we can open the PAK files with Source 2 Viewer. There will be the Ability KeyValues of each hero inside .\scripts\npc\heroes\*


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