Lone Druid


Oct 2, 2022
The script is located in the "Heroes" section.

Enable - Enable this script


Auto Learn + summon bear at start - Automatically pump and summon bear at the start of the game.
BearBack - Return bear key to druid.
Bear Attack - Enables the Bear attack of your opponent.
Items - The list of items to use in a bear attack.
Hit & Run - Use the Hit & Run script for the bear.
Visible By Enemy - Use the Visible By Enemy script for the bear.
Courier - Courier will automatically deliver all items to the bear.

Courier - Use the bear as a courier.
Heal - Send the bear to the base to restore health.
Push - Send the bear to fluff the nearest line.
Attack - Send the bear to attack the nearest enemy.
Rune - Send the bear to pick up the bounty rune.
Bear auto attack the same target as Druid - Bear will attack the same target as Druid.

Auto E​


Auto E when you receive dmg and health drop less than % - Automatically use Savage Roar when you reach the specified health threshold.
Cast E via Different druid/bear (Silenced/Stunned) - Use Savage Roar on bear and druid in case if one of them is on stan or has Silence debuff.
BreakTP - Disable the enemies teleport with Savage Roar.