I've been playing with the software for about a week and during that time I've already received 3 temporary lockouts.
Two of them were for 4 hours and the third block was for 8 hours. After each lock I had to play the game in Low Priority.
I play the rating only on the 5th position, did not use features such as Auto Disabler, Aggressive Disabler, Auto Dodge from the Safeguard section.
I use mostly informative functions of the software on where the last time the hero was, where the wards put. I also use blink spam on keystrokes, prolong controls, and sometimes autocombo on keystrokes.
Most likely it's because of autocombo ... but maybe someone has faced with this, or have any recommendations on the game with the software as these bans are likely to come from the game patrol, while I adequately communicate with the team and never behave aggressively.
I play at a fairly low rating now since I came back to the game after 6 years on my old account (1500 mmr), but my win rate is ~60-70% and I get MVP once every three games on average. However I'm not someone who pulls out games, I just support the team everywhere.
I hope you advise me something, because so far I have deleted the software and play without it, although I bought a subscription for a month and played only a week ... obviously the system would have given immediately VAC, rather than such temporary blockages.
Two of them were for 4 hours and the third block was for 8 hours. After each lock I had to play the game in Low Priority.
I play the rating only on the 5th position, did not use features such as Auto Disabler, Aggressive Disabler, Auto Dodge from the Safeguard section.
I use mostly informative functions of the software on where the last time the hero was, where the wards put. I also use blink spam on keystrokes, prolong controls, and sometimes autocombo on keystrokes.
Most likely it's because of autocombo ... but maybe someone has faced with this, or have any recommendations on the game with the software as these bans are likely to come from the game patrol, while I adequately communicate with the team and never behave aggressively.
I play at a fairly low rating now since I came back to the game after 6 years on my old account (1500 mmr), but my win rate is ~60-70% and I get MVP once every three games on average. However I'm not someone who pulls out games, I just support the team everywhere.
I hope you advise me something, because so far I have deleted the software and play without it, although I bought a subscription for a month and played only a week ... obviously the system would have given immediately VAC, rather than such temporary blockages.