Some thoughts coming from another provider


New member
Dec 25, 2023
I will write down some functions I think others do better and could be easily implemented.

1) LastHit-
As supports early game we would like to deny and as game progresses we would also want last hit or push (for example when creeps under tower)
The other provider allowed me to use 3 different keys (If I wanted too) for different actions + timing adjustments ( super early lasthit/deny ) or aggresive deny ( which starts when creep is bellow 50% hp

Example: I could press C to deny, X to last hit, F to push + last hit, thus having total control of lane using the scripts.
Melonity Last Hit is nice but lacks this function, it's either you last hit or you deny or both. In some cases you want to prioritize different actions and this hotkey function enables us to do so IMO

Also, the lane push IMO is not implemented correctly since in my case it waits creeps to drop under ~50%hp then attacks and misses the last hit
while on other provider it would push hard and also last hit smart way (smart way I mean it also knows what to prioritize and what creep to attack for maximum efficiency)

After testing aggresion mode I can tell there is an annoying delay when harassing which impacts negatively laning also deny success rate is very low compared to other provider

2) Notifications-
Another section I find Melonity lacking. The other provider was able to inform me via chat messages when heroes used spells (Nyx ulty, clinkz skeleton walk, bara charge) and also their positions. Also, chat information are a little bit tricky here, I don't know if they are only visible to me or to whole team. It would be good to let us know
Lastly when nyx uses ulty or clinkz skeleton walk the icon on minimap is not helping since it's hard to tell if it's normal or invisible. Make it transparent or something so when we see minimap the icon of nyx we would know if he is under ulty or no and the location he used it.
Example: Nyx used ulty close to radiant T2 or clinkz used skeleton walk close to dire jungle or Hero Tinker is teleporting to t2 mid etc

Same thing with smoke, you see that smoke is used but you have no idea where to be prepared

I find location handling to be super useful especially vs nyx, tinker, clinkz or if you play disruptor, and you get notification that someone is teleporting to your lane you can send them back.

Everything else seems nice and tidy, still exploring all options and messing around to suit my needs. I would also suggest for linken breakers to be able to use spells with priority.
I was playing lion and could not use his spells for linken break. His mana drain has huge range and is nice. I will keep updating, so I can contribute improving melonity to it's maximum potential

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