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  1. Prota

    Fatal Error

    Hello , Please send crash logs from appdata/roaming/melonity/crashes here so we can check what is the issue.
  2. Prota

    Arc Warden problem

    Hello , Arc Warden clone uses items and abilities only if the cursor is pointed at the enemy, so it has been necessary for a long time for safety
  3. Prota

    Fatal Error

  4. Prota

    как купить подписку в Украине?

    Hello , Contact our Russian speaking supports at vk channel :
  5. Prota

    Small bug report: enemy role display broken during draft

    Hello , there will be fixes today.
  6. Prota


    Hello , as we said before in last comment there is no promises if it will be added or not , since we're not making any decision prior to adding a function or suggestion , its upon to developement team.
  7. Prota

    Fatal Error

    Hello , As temporarily solution for crashes set client beta participation to NO beta chosen in steam settings -> interface.
  8. Prota

    True vision not longer working

    Valve has fixed api prior to true sight however our team working on new way to rework the function.
  9. Prota


    Adding such function is based of development department decision , I've already forwarded the suggestion wether to add it or not we've no power here :)
  10. Prota


    Hello , The function always worked like that , Creeps won't come out from camp unless there is a hero within the range of camps if that make sense for you :)
  11. Prota


    Hello , Why does it matter for you to have either sentry/observer moving or wether not ? When the function itself is actually moving around items. ( understandable as very minor bug but still has nothing to do with function )
  12. Prota


    Hello , So you're looking for a feature like tusk and magnus just to push enemy towards ally.
  13. Prota

    How to avoid bans ?

    Getting game ban comes to very limited conditions - First you shouldn't be toxic ingame or you will be reported more and more secondly : You should watch the replay of matches and see what is attracting the enemy's or ally's eye to your game play and fix it , nobody better than yourself knows...
  14. Prota


    Hello , Please send us your steam profile link , It is probably just game ban by getting overwhelming reports or just playing way so obvios which got you caught in overwatch.
  15. Prota

    Melonity's Spoofer

    Hello , Which management settings you're refering to ?
  16. Prota

    try reserve server

    Hello , Try out using a vpn , incase problem persist.
  17. Prota

    Minimaphack Hero Icon Jumping Up The Map IN FOW

    It is probably you're using a HUD from skinchanger we highly recommend you to set it on default version of HUD and check again.
  18. Prota


    It is towards tower and allies -> when ever there is a tower it will push the enemy to tower when ever there is no tower it will push the enemy towards allies which is safest way
  19. Prota


    Hello , There is an option , Please read last option :)
  20. Prota

    True vision not longer working

    Hello , We're aware of it.