Search results

  1. Prota

    Taking long to download before inject. Then can't get in game when dota launced

    Hello , Location wise it is not optimized to use usa location , Please note that servers are located in europe so choosing a closer location vpn to server and your location will always help like luxemborg , Netherland and etc.
  2. Prota

    Add escape functionality for heroes that have escape mechanisms

    Hello , I've deleted your recent comments on other post specially under guides , Please note that sending us feedback or suggestion prior to abilities need a recording video in details to show what is wrong and what we need to watch into fixing problems , Regarding to your suggestion prior to...
  3. Prota

    after playing a few games, there are people who have the same problem as me

    Hello , The case of getting matchups disabled is mainly because of getting report every game for playing suspicious or being toxic in game , that's the reason :)
  4. Prota

    need help

    In that case , You've enabled a option like auto control which will automatically cast spells on keep disabling the target duration on longer time :)
  5. Prota

    need help

    Please turn off auto control on player section and check for issue incase problem record a video while showing us detailed settings you're using in melonity menu and turn off refresher in demo mode
  6. Prota

    need help

    Hello , When does it happen ? how does it happen ? Which hero are you playing and Can you record a video and upload it here to checkout your problem ?
  7. Prota

    To Much Issue ( Not Fixed Almost 2 Month )

    Hello , Please provide us crash logs from %appdata%/roaming/melontity/crash folder and send us latest crash logs from yesterday or today , About Download progress we cannot do anything about it when there are problems appearing on internet providers which cannot be bypassed on our side , There...
  8. Prota

    Server Down or Maintainance ? Seem the script cannot use at this moment

    Greetings , Unfortunately , Chinese clients having this problem due to latest changes on their internet connection while we cannot do anything about , We've already tried few times to findout what is causing the issue but certainly the problem is appearing on your internet provider side which...
  9. Prota

    Couriers and Ward Issue

    Those options are temporarily disabled at this moment.
  10. Prota

    Bristle Scepter Skill cast out of range

    The problem was sent to development department to take care of it , we cannot do anything to force to speedup the process , be patience please.
  11. Prota

    Couriers and Ward Issue

    Greetings , Provide us some information how about it being not working properly ?
  12. Prota

    ClnputService how to fix

    Greetings , Please verfiy your dota2 files and then check for the issue.
  13. Prota

    issued an overwatch

    Greetings , In this cases , We highly recommend you to do not use auto disabler aggresive mode , or auto dodges which might appears from fog and enemy cought you off guard , if you're not sure how to use the functions properly then you must be looking towards turning off some features.
  14. Prota

    Freezing when launch

    Perhaps you would want to connect to any countries in europe , Luxomburg is good suggestion :)
  15. Prota

    need help

    Perhaps you would want to connect to any countries in europe , Luxomburg is good suggestion :)
  16. Prota

    Freezing when launch

    I recommend changing your DNS settings on Windows to use Cloudflare's DNS servers. Their DNS addresses are and Here are the steps to change your DNS on Windows: Open Network Connections by right-clicking the network icon in your system tray and selecting Open Network and...
  17. Prota

    need help

    I recommend changing your DNS settings on Windows to use Cloudflare's DNS servers. Their DNS addresses are and Here are the steps to change your DNS on Windows: Open Network Connections by right-clicking the network icon in your system tray and selecting Open Network and...
  18. Prota

    need help

    Hello , We've answered your question prior to this problem on support panel.
  19. Prota

    Download speed is too slow and some functions do not work.

    Hello , We're sorry to hear you're going through these kind of problems , Usually it does happen when connection is not working properly , In that case of scenario we highly recommend you to use a vpn which helps loading the product's software , WARP or , Are Free...
  20. Prota

    Invalid automatic interrupt skill

    Hello , Can you please record a video and send us here prior to your problem ? :)