yes sir!! I did register msdia140.dll, DOESN'T WORKHave you registered msdia140.dll to your pc ?
yes sir!! I did register msdia140.dll, DOESN'T WORKHave you registered msdia140.dll to your pc ?
The log is fine, what's the problem?here is the log, smoeone can help?
I have same issue, any fix for this?Hello, I can't inject cheatView attachment 302, the game starts, and in the launcher it says "Waiting for Steam ...", I read your advice, nothing helps, what should I do?
dota2 loading but stay at there for about 30sec then crash and steam also killedThe log is fine, what's the problem?
2 option needed to be consider , First - Use multiple vpns and see which one does work - > proton vpn -> freeplanetvpn -> warpvpn are free services , Incase you're windows 11 and suddenly it has been updated you should uninstall the updates from last month or you will be stucked.dota2 loading but stay at there for about 30sec then crash and steam also killed
Hello , connection issues are related to steam , Melonity doesn't interfere with connections in gameI keep on getting discconected from game and losing connection with steam, any way to fix this ?
also am running it from new zealand this probably doesnt help
Hello , Please contact , It is extremely hard to understand what is your problem , Since we need more details in order to help you out however our chinese reseller can help you out with that.开启皮肤后游戏崩溃,重新点击melonty,启动器不关闭,在启动器中写入 Wait Steam 或三个点...游戏自动打开,但是作弊菜单不运行